About Everglow Therapy

It's our passion to support children, adolescents and young adults to do the things that are important to them.

Ellen Cregan  Occupational Therapist and Founder of Everglow Therapy

Our Mission

  • To empower young people to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives by supporting both their physical and mental health. 
  • We work with young people and their families to develop the tools, skills, and resources they need to thrive now and in the future.

Our Vision

  • We want young people to have youth-friendly healthcare when they need it, where they need it and how they need it. 

Our Values


  • We understand that each person is more than just a client, and we recognise the unique struggles and goals of each individual. 
  • We foster a safe and welcoming environment for all of our clients and offer non-judgemental support to help you achieve your goals. 
  • We practise self-compassion and look after ourselves so that we can help others to the best of our abilities.

  • We work as a team with our clients and their support systems. Every therapeutic decision we make is made with our clients, not for them.
  • We work collaboratively with your other health practitioners to achieve the best outcome possible.
  • Everglow Therapy is built on teamwork, and input is welcome from anyone, anytime and anywhere.

  • So many things in life are serious, let's make therapy and work enjoyable.
  • We work with intensity, but we do not take ourselves too seriously. We help clients live in the moment and find joy in their day to day while they are working towards their goals.
  • We create environments where therapists want to come to work, and clients want to come to therapy.

  • At Everglow Therapy we encourage innovation to allow therapists and clients to find better ways of working.
  • We embody a student outlook on life. By committing to continuous professional and personal development, we ensure that we always provide the best level of care possible.
  • We conduct regular re-evaluation of systems and strategy alongside young people with and without disability, to develop the best system to help those in need.
Ellen Cregan
Working to better youth well-being by approaching physical and mental health holistically. Because physical health impacts mental health and mental health impacts physical health - there's no splitting the two, as much as we can try.
Ellen Cregan, Occupational Therapist & Founder of Everglow Therapy

Meet Ellen

Ellen has a Bachelor of Applied Science and Master of Occupational Therapy Practice from La Trobe University. 

She uses evidence-based methods to tailor her approach for each individual and situation, such as skill building, routine management, play-based therapy, Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 

She is also a yoga teacher and has training in meditation, breathing, and mindfulness techniques. Ellen is currently pursuing a Master of Youth Mental Health with the University of Melbourne. In her free time, Ellen enjoys spending time with her pets, working out at the gym, running, and relaxing at the beach. She also enjoys trying out different creative hobbies.

She has experience across a broad range of areas including: 

  • Mental health
  • Paediatrics
  • Spinal cord and neurological rehabilitation
  • Assistive technology
  • Home modifications

In addition to being registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), our occupational therapists maintain voluntary membership with Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA).

Occupational Therapy Australia

AHPRA - OCC0002316983